Show and Tell ideas with Letter R

  1. Rabbit
  2. Raccoon
  3. Race Car
  4. Race Track
  5. Racket
  6. Radio
  7. Radish
  8. Railroad
  9. Rain Boots
  10. Rain Jacket
  11. Rainbow
  12. Raisin
  13. Rake
  14. Rapunzel (From Tangled)
  15. Raspberry
  16. Rat
  17. Rattlesnake
  18. Recipe
  19. Recorder
  20. Rectangle
  21. Red
  22. Reindeer
  23. Remote
  24. Remy (From Ratatouille)
  25. Reptile
  26. Rhino
  27. Ribbon
  28. Rice
  29. Rice Krispies
  30. Ring
  31. Robot
  32. Rock
  33. Rocket
  34. Rocky (From Paw Patrol)
  35. Roller Skates
  36. Rolling Pin
  37. Rooster
  38. Rope
  39. Rose
  40. Rubber Band
  41. Rubble (From Paw Patrol)
  42. Rubik’S Cube
  43. Ruler
  44. Ryder (From Paw Patrol)
  45. R2D2 (From Star Wars)