Show and Tell ideas with Letter P
- Pajamas
- Pan
- Pancake
- Panda
- Panther
- Paper
- Paper Clips
- Parachute
- Parrot
- Parrot Fish
- Paw Patrol
- Peach
- Pebble
- Pelican
- Pen
- Pencil
- Pencil Case
- Penguin
- Penny
- Peppa Pig
- Pepper
- Pepperoni
- Percy (From Thomas The Train)
- Peter Pan
- Pickle
- Picture
- Pie
- Pig
- Pigeon
- Piggy Bank
- Pilot
- Pineapple
- Pinocchio
- Pirate
- Pirate Ship
- Pizza
- Pj Masks
- Plane
- Planet
- Plate
- Platypus
- Play Doh
- Plum
- Pluto (From Mickey Mouse Clubhouse)
- Pocahontas
- Polar Bear
- Police
- Police Car
- Poodle
- Popcorn
- Porcupine
- Poster
- Pot
- Potato
- Present
- Pretzel
- Princess
- Princess Anna
- Princess Belle
- Princess Elsa
- Princess Peach
- Pug
- Pumpkin
- Puppy